Electrical Engineering Materials - Moh Maya World
Friday 1 September 2017

Electrical Engineering Materials

Electrical Engineering Materials

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Materials are part of our life and daily works since ancient times. Materials are the primary part of all things surrounding us. 
In fact, some materials have given the name to various ages in human history i.e. Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Synthetic Materials Age, Smart Materials Age. 
The study of these materials is called Material Science.

Material science is associated with the study of composition, structure, characterization, processing, properties, application and performance of various Engineering materials.

In modern scientific age, many technologies have already been developed and many more are under continuous development to make human life easy to live and comfortable.
 The existence of such technologies basically depends on the availability of suitable materials. The performance and quality of each and every engineering product are primarily governed by the material used to manufactures the product. 
Hence, engineering materials play an important role in the development and success of all engineering technologies.

Engineering Materials

The materials used for the manufacturing of engineering products are called engineering materials. 
These engineering materials are the backbone of all engineering products. 
The design, manufacturing, commercialization, and performance of any engineering product basically depend on the material being used for that product i.e. semiconducting materials are the base of all electronics devices. 
Similarly, the existence of Electrical engineering machines and equipment completely depends on conducting, insulating and magnetic materials. 

In view of the above to become successful engineering in any engineering field, we should have the knowledge of engineering material of the respective field. 
The research and development of new engineering material is a continuous process. Many institutions and laboratories are continuously working on the development of new materials to cope up with the continuously changing demands of industries. As a result, new emerging materials such as smart materials, high-performance materials, and intelligent materials are continuously coming into the picture. These new advance materials have a great effect on the modern age of technology.
Presently the research and development of new materials, to meet the engineering requirement is also considering the effect of these materials on our environment. i.e. the radioactive material is very useful for nuclear energy. But the radioactivity due to these materials have a very adverse effect on our environment. 

Hence, to make these radioactive materials environment-friendly, we have to make the necessary arrangements to stop the radioactivity by these radioactive materials.

Classification of Engineering Materials

These engineering materials can be classified based on the branch of engineering as below-

1.Mechanical Engineering materials – i.e. Iron, Steel, etc.

2.Electrical Engineering materials –i.e. Conductors, Semiconductors, Insulators, Magnetic materials, etc.

3.Civil Engineering materials – i.e. Cement, Iron, Stones, Sans, etc.
Electronic engineering – i.e. Semiconducting materials...

Some common questions:*From examination view

1. What is thyristor?
2. For a 100kw generator, only 50kw of the load is connected. 
Will the generator generate only 50kw or 100kw. If it generates 100kw what happens to the rest of the 50kw. What happens if we connect more than 100kw of load?

3. Why the supply frequency in INDIA is 50HZ?

4.What is the power ratio between power in the Star and Delta circuit?

5. What is the difference between earth and neutral?

6. What is the difference between Earthing & grounding?

7. What is a u.p.s?

8. At what condition a synchronous motor acts as a synchronous condenser?

9. How is a 100 MVA transformer cooled?

10. What is the instantaneous value of voltage in a 3-phase balanced star connected circuit?

11. What is the difference between the regulator and the stabilizer?

12. Whats happens when we give DC to an induction motor?

13. Describe How energy is stored in an inductor on the electronic level.

14. When there is a sudden loss in the demand what happens to the transformer and generation?
       How do you measure the leakage current in a house wiring?

15. What are the technical reasons for soaking transformers for various times before allowing them to pick load after a fault or maintenance outage or as a new installation?

16. When we connect the capacitor Banks in Series with the circuit?

17. Why is the transformer rated in KVA? 

18. What is the function of a choke in tube light?

19. How do you detect the exact location of a cable fault if its cable puncture?

20. When we increase the load , current drawn from the source also increases why?

21. What is the reason for power development in the synchronous generator due to saliency?

22. What is the purpose of calculating knee point voltage for Current transformers?

23. What will happen if we apply dc volt across the transformer ?

24. Is it possible to increase the voltage without using the transformer ?  Why?

25. What is a watt ?

26. Does HVDC mode of transmission have an economic advantage over EHV-AC transmission? Justify
Why we are using Sinusidol waves in all electrical systems?

27. What is a Transducer?

29. What is the use of SCOTT connections?

30. What is the difference between P, PI, PID CONTROLLER?


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Electrical Engineering Materials Reviewed by Ashutosh Singh on September 01, 2017 Rating: 5 Electrical Engineering Materials Access Moh Maya world via APP M aterials are part of our life and daily works since ancien...

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